More happiness at work

Happiness at work has a proven positive effect on performance and vitality of people and organisations. Research shows that performance and feeling happy at work go hand in hand. Explore happiness at work together. This RoadMapp Classic (KoersKaart) will help you get started.


Happiness at work has a proven positive effect on performance and vitality of people and organisations.
Research shows that performance and feeling happy at work go hand in hand.

Explore happiness at work together. This RoadMapp Classic (KoersKaart) will help you get started.

Co-creators: Performance Happiness, Radboud University, iOpener Institute, ZZG Zorggroep, Hogeschool Utrecht, Radboud UMC, Atos, WGV Zorg en Welzijn, SBI Formaat, De Koers.

Ook verkrijgbaar: Het boek “Leidinggeven aan geluk” van Henk-Peter Dijkema en Wim Oolbekkink van Performance Happiness. Managementboek | Mediawerf

Extra informatie

Aantal Spelers

3 tot 9


120 min



Geschikt voor

Vaste teams, Gelegenheidscoalities



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