Recognition and Rewards in Academia

What can we do to make the University an amazing place to work, and how can we provide even better teaching, research, social relevance and leadership? Two key words here are ‘recognition and rewards’.


What can we do to make the University an amazing place to work, and how can we provide even better teaching, research, social relevance and leadership? Two key words here are ‘recognition and rewards’.

Thats what you will discuss today, this
KrsKrt® (pron. ‘CourseCard’) shows the way.

This KrsKrt® is a co-creation of
University of Leiden, Universities of the Netherlands & De Koers.

Nieuw! Losbladige KoersKaart: Een doodgewone KoersKaart, maar dan opgeknipt in losse A4-tjes. Deze PDF kun je zelf printen (Print&Play, één set per groep) of direct digitaal spelen in de PDF (Project&Play, bijv. in videoconferenties).

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Losbladig (PDF,2-in-1)

Aantal Spelers

3 tot 9


120 min



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Vaste teams, Gelegenheidscoalities

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